Larkspur Atoel

Friendly Neighbourhood Delinquent


Seeking: Long term rp connections, short term adventures, friendship, romance, rivalry, a good fight...

  • ㅤBecks | he/him or they/them | Atlantic Timezoneㅤ

Hey, I'm Becks and I am looking to make more IC connections and OOC pals! I'm an internet old who has been rping for many years. I have a lot of feelings about fictional characters and I'd like to have feelings about your characters too!As someone who really enjoys engaging with mature themes I just want to state outright that I believe firmly in communication between players - discussing boundaries and limits is very important, as well as trusting each other enough to speak up if either party is uncomfortable.

  • ㅤMy other charactersㅤ

  • A few things!

  • I am down for my character being injured and with antagonistic or unpleasant IC interactions. Lark can get fight-y and I am more than happy for him to have his ass kicked - but please check in with me before doing anything that will result in a permanent/semi-permanent injury (anything that will incapacitate my character for an extended period).

  • I'm up for rping romance (and the spicier bits that can follow) but I am not comfortable doing that type of roleplay with anyone that’s under 25, sorry! I'm in my thirties, and it would just be weird for me - but our characters can be platonic pals, I promise!

  • Lore wise I am flexible so long as it is based within the framework of the worldbuilding. Some things might not be to my tastes or interests, but I'll never judge other players for having a good time. <3

  • I believe there should be a bar of separation between IC and OOC. Please do not conflate the two - I am a whole adult with a job and bills to pay, I have no time or energy for interpersonal drama related to roleplaying. However, if you are ever left feeling upset or uncomfortable after or during an interaction, please reach out and we can discuss it without judgement.

  • Please only approach me for rp if you are 18+ and your character is 18+. I am not comfortable interacting with minors online (fictional or otherwise).

  • You can reach me in game as Larkspur Atoel on Balmung OR via twitter @OhNo_Becks

The Basics

  • ㅤnameㅤ Larkspur (Lark) Atoel

  • ㅤageㅤㅤYoung adult

  • ㅤspeciesㅤㅤVeena Viera

  • ㅤGenderㅤㅤCis Male

  • ㅤsexualityㅤ theoretically homosexual (probably?!)

  • ㅤRelationship Statusㅤ Single

  • ㅤResidenceㅤ Formerly Kugane, currently Limsa Lominsa

  • ㅤProfessionㅤ Muscle for Hire

  • ㅤclass(es)ㅤㅤWarrior & Pugilist

  • ㅤFamilyㅤVels & Tovi - (Adopted Father x2)

  • ㅤCharacter inspoㅤㅤOkuyasu Nijimura, Itadori Yuuji


Hair: Dark blue, cut in jagged layers that looks suspiciously like a grown out mullet...
Eyes: Bright green
Height: 5' 6"
Build: Surprisingly lean for the amount of time he spends hefting a giant axe around. Strong but maintaining the speed and flexibility important for street fights martial arts
Distinguishing Features: Tattoos that wrap his upper body like a jacket - covering both arms, his sides and his back in patterned black with vivid red flowers scattered on top. There are red accents drawn in at the corners of his eyes as well as a "beauty mark" below his left eye.


  • ㅤPositive Traits:ㅤ straight forward, openminded, energetic, adaptable, trusting, reliable, caring, genuinely optimistic

  • ㅤNegative Traits:ㅤ Confrontational, kind of stupid, tactless, loud, overly credulous, prideful, impulsive, easily flustered

  • ㅤLikes:ㅤ Fighting, spicy or sweet food, sleeping, cute animals, kids, old people, being useful, the ocean

  • ㅤDislikes:ㅤ Reading, math, people looking down on him, needless cruelty, being bored, being alone


THE EARLY DAYS: Lark is from a Veena village that he doesn't remember beyond a rotating cast of irritated women telling him to stop touching things and asking if he has anywhere else he needs to be.Until the day he met his dads. Well, "met" is... reductive phrasing for what was more of an "accidental kidnapping/impromptu adoption" by a couple of conmen who were chased off with arrows fired in their wake - thanks to a friendly (loud) kit getting underfoot. In the chaos of a well laid plan gone to shit, they grabbed what they could before making tracks; unfortunately, one of the things grabbed happened to be that same con scuttling kit. By the time the dust settled and they realized their mistake there wasn't any going back to put the kid where he belonged. And they couldn't just leave him out in the woods...A bit unorthodox, but he presented as a male a few cycles later, so they figured no harm, no foul. The kid just got an early start on his post-village living in the big bright city of Kugane.This post-village living was less "learning to survive in the Woods" and the "Honour of a Woodwarder" and more "learning how to street fight" and "the best way to shake down businesses behind on their protection money". Though, he never excelled at the latter -- there was always a higher chance he'd be found running chores for the shop owners and helping with household repairs because they "asked real nice" or "looked like they were havin' a hard time".PRESENT: He's found himself in Limsa Lominsa as of very recently - he doesn't have much of a plan beyond a nebulous "waiting". Gil has gotten scant so it's probably time he found himself some work (and a place to stay that isn't flopped over some boxes on the pier...)

Looking for a Gig

  • ㅤAre youㅤㅤin need of someone who can hit stuff?

  • ㅤAre youㅤㅤin need of someone to lift stuff?

  • ㅤAre youㅤㅤlooking for someone to do odd jobs?

With pockets more full of lint than gil (and a nice rock he found, he's got that too) Lark has been looking to pick up some work. Legitimate or illegitimate.
On the other hand, if you're good at talking (or struggling with something heavy in his eyeline), it would be incredibly easy to trick him convince him to help you out with your problem for free.

I've seen you around...

  • ㅤAre youㅤㅤa regular around the Limsa docks?

  • ㅤAre youㅤㅤa Limsa Lominsa resident?

  • ㅤAre youㅤㅤA Mists resident?

Lark spends most of his days hanging around the Limsa docks - doing odd jobs where he can find them, making friends with some old fishermen at the guild, and sleeping on shipping crates. If you want to run into him, just go for a wander and watch out for the fish guts!

Don't I know you...?

  • ㅤAre youㅤㅤfrom Kugane?

  • ㅤAre youㅤㅤfamiliar with crime in Kugane?

  • ㅤAre youㅤㅤsomeone who doesn't forget a face?

He's lived in Kugane for a good chunk of time - running around with less than savory sorts who did a lot of less than savory things. Still, Lark had a reputation of a "Nice Young Man" despite the company he kept and his penchant for fighting. If you're from the city you might have seen him around; and, if you're familiar with the criminal underbelly, you might know him personally (or at least, know his dads).

Anything goes!

  • ㅤAre youㅤㅤlooking for a new friend?

  • ㅤAre youㅤㅤlooking for a new fight?

  • ㅤAre youㅤㅤprone to picking up strays?

Do you want to hang out with this idiot delinquent very nice and respectable young man? Let's throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks!

Lark's Dads
Road to Eldorado meets Yakuza

❥ Vels

Vels is the muscle - a grumpy stoic, gruff, arrogant veena in his early 200s. More likely to communicate with a snarl or a grunt than actual words, he wasn't immediately thrilled with the whole unplanned parenting predicament - mostly because he had no clue how to go about it. He tried, at first, to approach Larkspur like he would any other kit he mentored during his warder days; but, somewhere along the way fatherhood snuck up on him. By the time he recognized the shift he'd already settled in too deep to pull himself free - like some kind of damn familial quicksand.

❥ Toviafn (Tovi)

Tovi is the brains (or, the charm and the wit, he would say) who has been insisting he's 150 for the last couple decades. Talkative, melodramatic, and sly - he's capable of slipping between overly friendly flamboyance to cool ruthlessness as the situation requires. While the Rava's moral center has always been a bit wobbly, he was the one who insisted they adopt the kit they inadvertently snatched (after all, he was also the one who did the snatching - accidentally). He's a doting husband and father... even if he is burdened with a family that does not appreciate - or pay attention to - the finer details of his artfully concocted plans.